About The Foundation
We believe in meaningful engagement with the communities we call home and we take great pride in being responsible and responsive corporate citizens. Through a practice of trust-based philanthropy, we focus our resources on areas that have a direct effect on the stability of communities and, in turn, contribute to the success of business operations in those areas.
The EQT Foundation helps communities prosper through focused giving.
The EQT Foundation also seeks evidence of:
- 1Geographic setting that aligns with EQT Corporation’s business locations
- 2Ability to manage available resources effectively
- 3Outreach that gains solid public recognition and support for the nonprofit, its programs and sponsors
EQT Foundation's Energize Your Education Scholarship Program
- 1Currently high school seniors who live in one of the following counties where EQT has operations:
Allegheny, Clinton, Fayette, Greene, Lycoming, Tioga, Washington, Westmoreland
West Virginia
Doddridge, Harrison, Marion, Marshall, Tyler, Wetzel
Belmont, Monroe - 2Students looking to pursue a career related to the oil & natural gas industry at a two-year or four-year educational institution. Fields of study include: computer science or information technology; civil, chemical, environmental or petroleum engineering; energy or land management; environmental science; geology; safety science or welding.
- 3A cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher at the time of application.
Community Enrichment
Examples: Food banks, libraries, farmers markets, arts & music programs, community festivals & initiatives
The after-school program Homework and More provided by the LeMoyne Community Center serves K-12 youth in the Washington, PA, school districts. Students are welcomed with a hot meal, homework assistance from volunteers, and a multitude of enrichment classes ranging from Girl Scouts to STEM to music activities.

Education & Workforce
Examples: In-school STEM-based curricula, computer and science camps, project-based learning, teacher professional development, career planning and preparation
Pennsylvania College of Technology’s Thingamajig Summer Camp provides students entering grades 9-12 hands-on experience with polymer engineering, automated manufacturing, welding engineering technology, and more. Participants work with Penn College faculty to use design software and operate fabrication equipment in the College’s academic labs, empowering them to see themselves entering these high-wage manufacturing fields.
Examples: community gardens, watershed conservation, environmental education, preservation and restoration of green spaces
The Wetzel 4-H Trail is a newly constructed walking trail at the Wetzel County 4-H camp near New Martinsville, WV. The camp had been deeded 60 acres of adjacent woodlands, but the property was hard to access. With the construction of the new trail, residents are able to get into the woods on two and a half miles of walking trails that are open to the public. The trail system is the first of its kind in Wetzel County.

Nonprofit Capacity Support
Examples include: Strategic planning, technology updates, office equipment, succession planning, legal or financial updates, board and/or staff development, etc.
How To Apply
The EQT Foundation Board of Directors meets quarterly. All applications must be received by the dates below. EQT Foundation staff may request additional information or/and reserves the right to postpone funding decisions on specific applications.
Note: Due to the large volume of requests received, we cannot provide grant evaluations or immediate funding decisions via phone or email.

Frequently Asked Questions
The EQT Foundation does not consider proposals for:
- Institutions, organizations or groups that are not tax-exempt under IRS Section 501(c)(3)
- Capital campaigns or costs, including endowments, new construction, building renovations, mortgages/rents, etc.
- Churches or other organizations whose purpose promotes a particular religion or creed
- Political parties, candidates or public policy advocates
- For-profit activities, businesses, associations or organizations
- Tax-supported entities, including public schools
- Fraternal, social, union or hobby/recreational clubs or organizations
- Sporting events, including charity golf outings
- Scholarship programs (other than those historically supported by EQT)
- Organizations located outside of the United States
- Organizations whose mission, operating philosophy or activities are in direct conflict with EQT company policy and could potentially damage the company’s reputation or could result in negative publicity for the company
The EQT Foundation reviews grants on a quarterly basis with deadlines on February 1, May 1, August 1 and November 1 of each year.
No, EQT Corporation provides other avenues of support through sponsorships of local events throughout the operating area as well as via community-based donations. Requests can be submitted to donations@eqt.com.
The EQT Foundation was created in 2003 with an initial funding of approximately $17 million worth of shares of a subsidiary of EQT Corporation (Westport Resources Corporation) when it was divested.
While grant sizes can vary greatly depending on the scope of a project, the average grant awarded by the EQT Foundation is $15,000.
Organizations can generally expect to receive an answer within six to eight weeks after the close of the application deadline.
The EQT Foundation tends to award grants in the same geographic footprint of EQT Corporation’s business operations. For the most part, that includes southwestern Pennsylvania (Allegheny, Fayette, Greene, Washington, Westmoreland Counties), northeastern Pennsylvania (Bradford, Centre, Clinton, Lycoming, Tioga), northern West Virginia (Doddridge, Harrison, Marion, Marshall, Tyler, Wetzel Counties) and eastern Ohio (Belmont County).
All recommendations for grant funding come from a diverse internal EQT Foundation Board comprised of EQT employees and senior leadership.
While there are no specific guidelines on when dollars awarded are spent, it is customary for grants to be used within a year. Upon expenditure of all grant funds, all funded organizations will conduct a wrap-up meeting (virtual or in person) with Foundation staff to discuss program outcomes.