Forms and FAQ
Downloadable Forms
General Account Questions
The Owner ID, also known as the AB Number, is a unique account number that allows EQT to know specifically which landowner we are working with. You can find this number on most EQT correspondence, including your check stubs.
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires EQT to acquire a social security number or tax identification number from all Payees. Failure to supply your social security or tax identification number will result in EQT withholding a 24 percent non-refundable Federal tax on all payments.
The most common reason is that your account revenues fall below the minimum suspense level. This amount can vary from landowner to landowner, and may be determined by the terms of your lease or by EQT accounting policies. From December through October/November, the minimum check amount is fifty dollars ($50.00), unless your lease terms state otherwise. Once accumulated proceeds exceed the minimum suspense level, you will receive a check for the accumulated funds. In November, we will issue a minimum release check to clear out accumulated proceeds that are still below the owner minimum threshold.
Another common reason for not receiving a check is that and owner may have moved and needs to update their mailing address with us. The post office is not allowed to forward these checks, so it may be returned to us as undeliverable. When this happens, EQT will put the account into suspense until you notify us of your new address in writing.
Yes. If it is past the deadline or damaged, please call the EQT Owner Relations line and arrange to return the check so that we can reissue the payment in the next check run. If it is lost or stolen, please report this to EQT as soon as possible so we may put a stop payment on it. Please note that the amount of the reissued payment(s) will be included with your next royalty check; we will not issue a separate replacement check.
Please return stale or damaged checks to:
EQT Production Company
400 Woodcliff Drive
Canonsburg, PA 15317
ATTN: Owner Relations
EQT may suspend payments due to a notice of death, transfer of ownership, unknown or incorrect address, or a title dispute. We do this to protect owner interests. Promptly notifying us of any changes related to your interest (and providing EQT with any required documentation) will limit the duration of this inconvenience.
Royalty checks and direct deposits are typically mailed/ initiated by the last Friday of each month.
Account Change Questions
For your protection, EQT does not accept address changes via telephone – this notice must be in writing. Please download a Change/Confirmation of Address form and include your name, owner number, last 4 digits of your social security number or tax identification number for verification, the new address, daytime phone number with area code, and email address (if available) with a signature. Please scan the completed form and send a PDF copy via email to OwnerRelations@eqt.com. You can also mail your change of address to:
EQT Production Company
400 Woodcliff Drive
Canonsburg, PA 15317
ATTN: Owner Relations
Please provide a copy of the divorce decree, including property settlement documents and copies of recorded conveyances. If you do not have a current EQT owner account, please provide your address and a completed W-9 form. Scan the necessary documents and send in PDF format via email to OwnerRelations@eqt.com. You can also mail your documents to:
EQT Production Company
400 Woodcliff Drive
Canonsburg, PA 15317
ATTN: Owner Relations
Please provide a written request and a copy of the document supporting the name change (marriage certificate, divorce decree reinstating maiden name, etc.). A copy of the Social Security card showing the name as changed with the Federal Government/Internal Revenue Service may also be required. Scan the necessary documents and send a PDF copy via email to OwnerRelations@eqt.com. You can also mail your documents to:
EQT Production Company
400 Woodcliff Drive
Canonsburg, PA 15317
ATTN: Owner Relations
Until you notify EQT, we will continue to issue the royalty payments to the previous (or deceased) owner. The owner (or the executor of the estate) is responsible for notifying us in writing of any transfers of interest, and for providing the recorded instrument that documents the transfer. We are unable to monitor county or public records for changes, and cannot retrieve documentation on an owner’s behalf. For additional information on having the documentation recorded in the county where the property is located, please contact that county’s clerk of courts.
Please contact us so that we may place the affected interests in suspense and advise you of the required documentation to transfer the interests. Placing the interest in suspense means that there is a hold on further revenue disbursements until we receive the proper documentation. Once EQT verifies the transfer, we will release all held or “suspended” revenue. Scan the necessary documents and send a PDF copy via email to OwnerRelations@eqt.com. You can also mail your documents to:
EQT Production Company400 Woodcliff DriveCanonsburg, PA 15317ATTN: Owner Relations
Until you notify EQT, we will continue to issue the royalty payments to the previous (or deceased) owner. The owner (or the executor of the estate) is responsible for notifying us in writing of any transfers of interest, and for providing the recorded instrument that documents the transfer. We are unable to monitor county or public records for changes, and cannot retrieve documentation on an owner’s behalf. For additional information on having the documentation recorded in the county where the property is located, please contact that county’s clerk of courts.
Please contact us so that we may place the affected interests in suspense and advise you of the required documentation to transfer the interests. Placing the interest in suspense means that there is a hold on further revenue disbursements until we receive the proper documentation. Once EQT verifies the transfer, we will release all held or “suspended” revenue. Scan the necessary documents and send a PDF copy via email to OwnerRelations@eqt.com. You can also mail your documents to:
EQT Production Company
400 Woodcliff Drive
Canonsburg, PA 15317
ATTN: Owner Relations
We need a copy of the conveyance document recorded in the county and state where the property is located along with the name, address and Social Security or Tax Identification numbers (SSN/TIN) of the new owner(s). For your protection, we only issue payment by Record Title Ownership; therefore, we are unable to transfer ownership without a recorded document. For additional information on having the documentation recorded in the county where the property is located, please contact that county’s clerk of courts.
Scan the necessary documents and send a PDF copy via email to OwnerRelations@eqt.com. You can also mail your documents to:
EQT Production Company
400 Woodcliff Drive
Canonsburg, PA 15317
ATTN: Owner Relations
If the interest type is a royalty or a mineral interest, you must file a deed that conveys the interest to the new owner(s). If the interest type is a working interest or overriding royalty, you will need to file an assignment. You must record the conveyance document or assignment in the county and state where the property is located. For additional information, please contact that county’s clerk of courts.
EQT cannot furnish deed forms or assist in the drafting of such conveyances or assignments. If you need assistance, please contact an attorney familiar with oil and gas law in the state where the property is located.
Please provide a copy of the death certificate of the joint tenant. We also need a copy of the deed/conveyance that created the joint tenancy with rights of survivorship, and a W-9 form for the surviving joint tenant(s) if the Social Security number is not currently on file. Scan the necessary documents and send a PDF copy via email to OwnerRelations@eqt.com. You can also mail your documents to:
EQT Production Company
400 Woodcliff Drive
Canonsburg, PA 15317
ATTN: Owner Relations
Please provide the following estate documents:
- Copy of the Death Certificate
- Copy of the Order Admitting Will to Probate
- Copy of the Letters Testamentary
- Copy of the Last Will and Testament (probated and recorded in the county where the property is located)
- Completed W-9 form for each beneficiary
Scan the necessary documents and send a PDF copy via email to OwnerRelations@eqt.com. You can also mail your documents to:
EQT Production Company
400 Woodcliff Drive
Canonsburg, PA 15317
ATTN: Owner Relations
Please provide a copy of the death certificate of the life tenant along with names, addresses, and SSN’s of the remaindermen. Also, provide a copy of the document that created the life tenancy and named remaindermen. Scan the necessary documents and send a PDF copy via email to OwnerRelations@eqt.com. You can also mail your documents to:
EQT Production Company
400 Woodcliff Drive
Canonsburg, PA 15317
ATTN: Owner Relations
Please provide the following documents:
- Copy of the Death Certificate
- Copy of the Order Admitting Will to Probate
- Copy of the Letters Testamentary
- Certified copy of the Last Will and Testament (recorded in the county where the property is located)
- Completed W-9 form for each beneficiary
- Please contact the county’s clerk of courts for additional information on having the will recorded in the county where the property is located
Scan the necessary documents and send a PDF copy via email to OwnerRelations@eqtcom. You can also mail your documents to:
EQT Production Company
400 Woodcliff Drive
Canonsburg, PA 15317
ATTN: Owner Relations
Please provide the following documents:
- Copy of the Death Certificate
- Copy of the Order Admitting Will to Probate
- Copy of the Letters Testamentary
- Certified copy of the Last Will and Testament (recorded in the county where the property is located)
- Completed W-9 form for each beneficiary
- Please contact the county’s clerk of courts for additional information on having the Will recorded in the county where the property is located. Note: Ancillary probate may be required
Scan the necessary documents and send a PDF copy via email to OwnerRelations@eqt.com. You can also mail your documents to:
EQT Production Company
400 Woodcliff Drive
Canonsburg, PA 15317
ATTN: Owner Relations
The laws of Descent and Distribution in the state where the property is located will apply, as relevant. Please provide the following documents:
- Copy of the Death Certificate
- Completed and Notarized Affidavit of Descent/Affidavit of Heirship, recorded in the county and state where the property is located
- Completed W-9 form for each beneficiary
- Please contact the county’s clerk of courts for additional information on having the Affidavit recorded
Scan the necessary documents and send a PDF copy via email to OwnerRelations@eqt.com. You can also mail your documents to:
EQT Production Company
400 Woodcliff Drive
Canonsburg, PA 15317
ATTN: Owner Relations
Please provide a copy of the document creating the Power of Attorney/Attorney-in-Fact. Scan the necessary documents and send a PDF copy via email to OwnerRelations@eqt.com. You can also mail your documents to:
EQT Production Company
400 Woodcliff Drive
Canonsburg, PA 15317
ATTN: Owner Relations
Please provide a copy of the Letters of Guardianship issued by the court. If a minor, include a copy of the owner’s birth certificate to indicate when the minor will attain legal age. Scan the necessary documents and send a PDF copy via email to OwnerRelations@eqt.com. You can also mail your documents to:
EQT Production Company
400 Woodcliff Drive
Canonsburg, PA 15317
ATTN: Owner Relations
Please provide a copy of the Trust Agreement and recorded conveyance to the trust in addition to the trust’s mailing address and tax identification number. Scan the necessary documents and send a PDF copy via email to OwnerRelations@eqt.com. You can also mail your documents to:EQT Production Company
400 Woodcliff Drive
Canonsburg, PA 15317
ATTN: Owner Relations
Please provide a copy of the instrument appointing the successor trustee. Please also include the mailing address of the successor trustee. Scan the necessary documents and send a PDF copy via email to OwnerRelations@eqt.com. You can also mail your documents to:
EQT Production Company
400 Woodcliff Drive
Canonsburg, PA 15317
ATTN: Owner Relations
Please provide a copy of the Certificate of Name Change. If the name change is the result of a merger, please provide a copy of the Certificate of Merger and the tax identification number of the surviving entity. Scan the necessary documents and send a PDF copy via email to OwnerRelations@eqt.com. You can also mail your documents to:
EQT Production Company
400 Woodcliff Drive
Canonsburg, PA 15317
ATTN: Owner Relations
EQT Owner Relations is available to help serve our landowner needs Monday thru Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. EST. Please contact us by phone at 1-844-EQT-LAND (1-844-378-5263), or via email at OwnerRelations@eqt.com, and one of our customer service representatives will be happy to assist you. After normal business hours or on major holidays, voicemail and email are always available to receive communications.
When you call or write, please provide your owner number, telephone number, and the nature of your question. We strive to respond to inquiries within two business days (excluding weekends/holidays).
Tax Questions
We will withhold for federal income taxes upon receipt of your written request. Please note that due to system limitations, we can only withhold at the 24% non-refundable rate for federal income taxes. We are unable to withhold any state income taxes.
You can notify us to withhold taxes (include your name, owner number, and last four digits of your Social Security number for verification) via email at OwnerRelations@eqt.com or mail your request to:
EQT Production Company
400 Woodcliff Drive
Canonsburg, PA 15317
ATTN: Owner Relations
The IRS requires that EQT obtain the Social Security number or tax identification number of all payees. Without a Social Security or tax identification number, your payments will be subject to a non-refundable, 24 percent non-refundable Federal backup withholding under IRS regulations. In addition, if the IRS name and tax identification number does not match the Social Security Administration name and tax identification number, IRS regulations may require withholding.
To avoid backup withholding, please scan the completed W-9 form, and send a PDF copy via email to OwnerRelations@eqt.com, or mail to:
EQT Production Company
400 Woodcliff Drive
Canonsburg, PA 15317
ATTN: Owner Relations
The W-9 form is available on the IRS website or you may access one by clicking here. If you would like a copy of the W-9 form mailed to you, please call 1-844-EQT-LAND (1-844-378-5263) to speak with one of our customer service representatives.
Per IRS regulations, EQT issues 1099 forms annually to report royalty, production, and rental payments issued. We are required to mail these forms by January 31 to all payees who meet the reporting requirements established by the IRS. As of 2014, the minimum amount reportable to the IRS for royalties is ten dollars ($10.00), and for other types of income, the minimum reportable amount is six hundred dollars ($600.00).
As required by the IRS, the amount reported on the 1099 form is the gross income before taxes and other deductions allowed under your lease. This will match the total gross amounts shown on your check stubs throughout the year.
If you have questions regarding the contents of your 1099 form, please call the Owner Relations group at 1-844-EQT-LAND (1-844-378-5263) to speak with a customer service representative. Remember, EQT is unable to furnish tax advice and recommends that you consult with a tax professional about how to report this income.
EQT cannot furnish tax advice and recommend that you consult with a tax professional versed in oil and gas accounting regarding your ability to deduct these costs for income tax purposes.
EQT Owner Relations is available to help serve our landowner needs Monday thru Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. EST. Please contact us by phone at 1-844-EQT-LAND (1-844-378-5263), or via email at OwnerRelations@eqt.com, and one of our customer service representatives will be happy to assist you. After normal business hours or on major holidays, voicemail and email are always available to receive communications.
When you call or write, please provide your owner number, telephone number, and the nature of your question. We strive to respond to inquiries within two business days (excluding weekends/holidays).
Direct Deposit Questions
Yes. EQT offers the option of direct deposit (electronic funds transfer) into any bank account in the United States that accepts Automated Clearing House (ACH) transfers. Please complete the Direct Deposit Authorization form here, including a voided check (for deposits to a check account), or a letter from your financial institution (for deposits to a savings account).
Mail your completed Direct Deposit Authorization form (and other required documents) to:
EQT Production Company
400 Woodcliff Drive
Canonsburg, PA 15317
ATTN: Owner Relations
Direct deposit eliminates paper checks and the need for trips to the bank. You receive your money securely and on time, which helps to eliminate payment problems caused by mail delays, and lost, stolen, damaged, or misdirected/returned checks. EQT provides this service at no cost, and you will continue to receive a copy of the remittance statement detailing how your payment was calculated.
We process these requests in the order they come in, so you will continue to receive a paper check until the set-up of your direct deposit is complete. After we establish direct deposit with your bank, it could still take up to one payment cycle for the first deposit to appear in your account.
To stop direct deposit payments and receive paper checks, please contact EQT by phone at 1-844-EQT-LAND (1-844-378-5263), or via email at OwnerRelations@eqt.com, so that we may deactivate direct deposit to your account. If you wish to make changes to your direct deposit, for example to a new account, you will need to submit a new Direct Deposit Authorization form. If a distribution occurs while the new direct deposit authorization is processing, you will receive that payment via a paper check mailed to the address on record for your account.
No. You do not need an email address to participate in Direct Deposit; however, if you supply an email address with your direct deposit authorization, you will receive an email notification whenever we make a deposit to your account.
EQT Owner Relations is available to help serve our landowner needs Monday thru Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. EST. Please contact us by phone at 1-844-EQT-LAND (1-844-378-5263), or via email at OwnerRelations@eqt.com, and one of our customer service representatives will be happy to assist you. After normal business hours or on major holidays, voicemail and email are always available to receive communications.
When you call or write, please provide your owner number, telephone number, and the nature of your question. We strive to respond to inquiries within two business days (excluding weekends/holidays).
Unclaimed Property/Escheat
By law EQT is required to send unclaimed funds from royalty or obligation payments to the state after a predetermined amount of time has lapsed with no communication from the owner/heirs of the property. The notice you received is to inform you that we have an account in our system at risk of being sent to the state if we do not hear from you.
EQT can only stop unclaimed funds from being escheated to the state by receiving communication from you in writing that you are the rightful heir/owner of the property. This can be done by returning the form included with the letter you received.
Please note that returning the form to our offices may not be enough to release the funds currently being held in suspense for that account. If it is not, EQT will contact you upon receipt of the unclaimed property form with additional information that may be needed for the account.
In most instances you continue to receive a yearly unclaimed property letter from us because we do not have enough information to resume payments on the interest. Simply returning the escheat letter to our offices may not always be enough for us to remove the account from our list. Once you return the form, you will receive a letter from us detailing what additional steps will need to be taken on your specific account. Those additional steps need to be fulfilled to make the account active.
If previous royalty/obligation payments have been escheated to the state by EQT, you will need to contact the State Treasurer’s Unclaimed Property Department . The Unclaimed Property Department will work with you to release the funds.
Please note that each state’s regulations are different, and any funds that EQT has sent to a state’s Unclaimed Property Department may take up to twelve months be processed by the state.